How many instance's in your life have you had something you felt you wanted or needed to do, but couldn't muster up the courage or potential to walk it out?
I don't know that I can think of an example from when I was in High School but I do have the distinct memory of stifling a part of who I was when I was in school. I guess I didn't want to listen to God telling me who I was, because of fear of rejection. At that time, in my eyes, being a part of the group of people around me seemed the most important thing. I think that some part of everyone wants a certain amount of commonality between them and their peers, and yet, at the same time we also long to be just enough different that we stand out, in a desired way. It's a seemingly delicate balance.
Thankfully now due to a series of events in my life and a good bit of added maturity, in the spiritual sense, I have learned to start embracing the actions that I once might have pushed aside or ignored. Which brings me to the lesson from God, that has been working into my heart and life...
2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV) says, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." I don't know about what you get out of this verse, but it makes me to ask myself a question. If God did not give me a spirit of fear, then where did my fear come from? The only logical answer is that is came from Satan himself. So if that fear, that lie and my belief in it, is allowed to rule me, who is my master?!?!(at that point) I do not want to continue giving in to fear. In Genesis 4:7(NIV) it says, "...But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door, it desires to have you, but you must master it." So when I am fearful of something, whatever it is, I have to decide at that point, am I going to be the master or the mastered. Jesus was the master, the perfect example of God's power, love and sound mind as described in 2 timothy 1:7. If it was storming, he calmed the sea, if there was a sickness or disease he took power over it,he drove out demons, and ultimately conquered death through that power. He became death's master.
When I come to a realization such as this, I feel like I'm gonna burst out of my skin! There is power in overcoming fear with Christ at our side! We can step out of this oppression caused by satan and his lies. Just like the egyptians escaped from the oppression of their master, the Pharoah. All it took was a strong leader, Moses, to stand before the Pharoah without fear and proclaim "let my people go". Did he beat around the bush a little before he finally mustered up the courage...well yea literally he did...a burning bush to be exact! But, because our God is faithful and does not want us to go on living our lives caged up, beat down, and bottled up what did He do? He was faithful. Faithful enough to persist in preparing Moses heart and mind, to go and lead his people out from the hands of a seemingly powerful enemy. It wasn't until Moses stepped out in faith that God was able to do His work, to exude His power and Glory through all of the plagues and events that helped to harden Pharoah's heart and eventually lead to the release of all captive slaves.
When I go to an art show, that is me standing in front of the pharoah, saying "let my people go". How so? In your eyes I may or may not be the best painter you've ever seen, but I know that this is a fear I'm overcoming with God by my side. He is freeing me every step of the process. Freeing me from the fear of the need to be approved by man. If I never sell another painting, at least I know that I allowed God to exude whatever Glory he could through my faith in His plan.
Praise God he is still sending out burning bushes! Now I just want to pray for you and me. God, Please help me to continue to learn and understand more about you! God you are so awesome and I praise your holy name for all that you still allow me to see and know despite my imperfections and missed marks. Lord Help me to take what you have been, and are continuing to show me, through your word and the events in my life and let me learn from them. Enable me to walk more like you would have me to walk and to walk with the power that You have given me with Your Holy Spirit. God let me not be the master of fear and any other sin that comes into my life. Amen
God Bless You!
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