Worth Love Art: From the Heart for the Heart

Worth Love Art Gallery: Find art online, unique art gallery, christian art, God's glory in art, online art gallery, Whitney Tomlin, artist, buy artwork, investing in artwork, paintings, acryilic paintings, landscapes, still life, art inspired by God.

About Me

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I'm a 25 year old, mother of two. I have been a homemaker since the birth of my first child. I may seemingly have little to do with the world around me, due to the fact that my impact on the world goes unseen in a lot of ways. I take my job as a mother very seriously though, because it's not one life, mine, thats going to be affecting the world in my eyes, but rather the lives of my children that will make an impact. Therefore I'm doing the best I can, as I learn, to try to teach them how to live meaningful lives. I praise God for everything that I have and especially a newly found ability to paint. If it wasn't for the events good and bad that he's lead me thru and out of in my life I wouldn't be the person I am today. So in everything that I do I pray that He will get glory in it. I'm not perfect so that statement doesn't come with a guarantee, it is just simply a prayer and a hope for my life.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


#16/365 ' Reflection'16x16 acrylic/oil pastel on wood panel. Today I took time to think about God's purpose for me and my life.  I feel like with this call to painting and prayer that I have to keep things in my life more "orderly" both in a spiritual sense and a physical sense. It has forced me to have to hold myself up to the standard that I believe God would have me to be at and just to gain a better perspective on how I am going to be able to continue living my life and grow closer to Him in the process. I know that I can never live up to His perfect expectations but I am thankful every day for His grace that allows for my insufficient nature. I do continue in the hope of bettering myself thanks to the hope that Christ puts in my heart. So in keeping with the theme of todays self reflection..I painted my reflection and thus my first self-portrait was produced.           God help us to always have hope for ourselves and for our being able to die to ourselves and carry on with whatever purpose you have for us. Give us the strength to do it with the best of our abilities and Lord help us to guard our hearts so that we don't waiver. AMEN. Thanks for reading and God bless you! 

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