Worth Love Art: From the Heart for the Heart

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About Me

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I'm a 25 year old, mother of two. I have been a homemaker since the birth of my first child. I may seemingly have little to do with the world around me, due to the fact that my impact on the world goes unseen in a lot of ways. I take my job as a mother very seriously though, because it's not one life, mine, thats going to be affecting the world in my eyes, but rather the lives of my children that will make an impact. Therefore I'm doing the best I can, as I learn, to try to teach them how to live meaningful lives. I praise God for everything that I have and especially a newly found ability to paint. If it wasn't for the events good and bad that he's lead me thru and out of in my life I wouldn't be the person I am today. So in everything that I do I pray that He will get glory in it. I'm not perfect so that statement doesn't come with a guarantee, it is just simply a prayer and a hope for my life.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

'A Lonely road without Him'

    I'm so thankful that I have never known what it is like to be an orphan.  I grew up with a great set of parents that were always there whenever I needed them.  In reading in John 13 and 14 I have been reading about how Jesus continues to refer to himself as being 'in the Father' and the Father being 'in Him'.  I can't help but think about what that means in the earthly sense.  I consider that my parents made me and raised me and in a lot of ways we are 'in' each other I think in much the same way that Jesus was referring to. I think that is the way God designed us as families.  We are able to understand one another well because we have a melding of will's with one another because of genetic and learned things.  I think that is why in a lot of ways sometimes parents are the only ones that may understand certain circumstances that we go through in life where we may need advice on what to do or how to handle situations.
    I also know that there are some things that we as people fight within ourselves, a certain 'battle' that may never be verbally expressed to another human being, maybe because of fear of not being understood or whatever the reason, but those are the times when I've needed the Holy Spirit the most. There have been several times when I felt like there couldn't possibly be anyone else in the world that knew exactly how I was feeling or what I was going through.  Those are the times where there just didn't seem to be words worthy to express the type of feeling that was deep inside of me, nor the thoughts that were running through my mind.  Often times even then my parents were unable to reach the depths of whatever battle my mind or spirit was facing, and much of this time I didn't have the Holy Spirit in my life either.  It was a loneliness that no one could have filled, yet the only one that was capable of pulling me out of it was God himself in the form of the Holy Spirit.
 So even now I am comforted by another at all points in time.  I now am thanking God everyday for being 'in me'.  It would be such a lonely road without the Holy Spirit.  So todays painting expresses how I felt without the holy spirit in my life.

God I pray that just as you spoke life and hope into my life when I needed it, that you will do the same for Aunt Carla, please speak life into her through your Holy Spirit.  Lord I pray that she be healed in order to bring Glory to you through the power of your healing hand, not by the hands of men.  In Jesus name,

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