Worth Love Art: From the Heart for the Heart

Worth Love Art Gallery: Find art online, unique art gallery, christian art, God's glory in art, online art gallery, Whitney Tomlin, artist, buy artwork, investing in artwork, paintings, acryilic paintings, landscapes, still life, art inspired by God.

About Me

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I'm a 25 year old, mother of two. I have been a homemaker since the birth of my first child. I may seemingly have little to do with the world around me, due to the fact that my impact on the world goes unseen in a lot of ways. I take my job as a mother very seriously though, because it's not one life, mine, thats going to be affecting the world in my eyes, but rather the lives of my children that will make an impact. Therefore I'm doing the best I can, as I learn, to try to teach them how to live meaningful lives. I praise God for everything that I have and especially a newly found ability to paint. If it wasn't for the events good and bad that he's lead me thru and out of in my life I wouldn't be the person I am today. So in everything that I do I pray that He will get glory in it. I'm not perfect so that statement doesn't come with a guarantee, it is just simply a prayer and a hope for my life.

Monday, January 31, 2011

'Luke 11.34-36'

I've continued my study on light for a few weeks now.  It's not been a constant delving into the scriptures, more of a continuous (as in daily) thought over what has boiled down to a few verses.  matthew 6.22-23 and also luke 11.34 being similar.  I can't say that i've come to any amazing conclusions as to what exactly God is trying to say through these.  The verse in matthew when put into context is smack dab in the middle of one of Jesus lessons about being generous, not storing for ourselves treasures on earth, but rather in heaven.  So some reading and talking to people has brought me to one thought, that is, the verse is actually an idiom.  To explain i will first say the verses-

'In's and Out's'

8x11 acrylic on canvas cloth. Sorry for the delay posting. I posted on facebook before church and was going to do this after...but the day just got away with me! Ha.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

His eye is on the sparrow'

8x11 acrylic/oil pastel on canvas paper.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

'Standing on the promise's

Today as I was painting and praying I couldn't get the old hymn out of my mind. I think the name of is 'Standing on the promises'. So that is what I'll do.                   Todays painting is another for the collection i'm working on. It's a 16x30 acrylic on canvas.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

'Building a Foundation'

If each day of my life represented a brick laid in a foundation, i wonder what kind of foundation it would be? I think about my days, what they normally look like and imagine that my foundation, as of yet, is probably not laid in the most efficient nor effective of fashions.  I don't roll out of bed on my knees every morning and sometimes don't even acknowledge God and so much as even say hey and good morning to Him for the first hour or so, or at least not consciously.  I rarely get up early enough that I can get a good reading session done in my bible before my children are up and let's face it...once they are up, it is VERY hard to sit down and CONCENTRATE to be able to comprehend what I'm reading.  But there is always hope.  Hope that my desire to know God and my longing to know more of His heart will stir me enough so that i might lay a more solid life foundation.  I mean after all it's on this foundation that the immediate things around us rest.  I am a wife, so therefore if my foundation is not good..then my husbands won't be either (since we are one in accordance with the word), and i am a mother...so then my children will be effected as they rely on me in order to take care of them at there age.  Spiritually God is relying on me to be His representative, a representative with a solid foundation that others can rely on at times for different things.  So right now in my life i am going back to my foundations.  I want to make sure there are no cracks so that as I continue to build daily, everything doesn't come crashing down because i neglected to keep priorities straight, or keep focused on a goal of keeping God first in my life.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

'John Bell'

2nd commissioned painting to make limited edition poster prints to commemorate the 25th and last tour of the band widespread panic.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

'Dreary Day'

Well it was a dreary rainy day here so that's what I felt like painting. A rainy day in a city setting. 12x14 acrylic on canvas.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

'Practicing Light'

24x36 acrylic/oil pastel on canvas.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011


As an earthly father longs after the heart of his wife and children, so our heavenly father longs after our hearts. So much so that He has reached out to us through the blood of His son. This is what was represented today through this painting.

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Friday, January 21, 2011

'Let the light of your face shine down'

'Let the light  of Your face shine down'

16x16 acrylic on wood panel.
couldn't get 'light of your face' a song by Misty Edwards out of my head while i was painting this one.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

'Rise and Shine'

Today for some reason I felt like I got the word to pray for light in aunt Carla's life.  I'm not sure in what ways, and maybe it's not for me to know but I've just been praying that she would be surrounded by color.  I know that color is a form of light, and that whatever color we see is just the spectrum of light being reflected off an object, so maybe God is giving me a unique way to pray for the different facets of Himself to be revealed.  I know many times in the bible God is referred to as being light, or we as believers are like lamps and so on and so forth so I'm wanting to do a more in depth study of light and colors and how it relates to references of light in the bible.  One thing i found online today that i enjoyed reading is the passage below....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

'Jimmy Herring'

I was contacted by a friend yesterday and asked about doing some paintings in order to use to make copies for posters.  It is supposed to be posters to commemorate the 25th anniversary tour of the band widespread panic.  So today's painting is the first of those.  The name of this band member is Jimmy Herring.  The posters will be signed and numbered for limited edition prints to be sold at a concert in Georgia.
   I think I'm gonna allow myself a few days in between doing this because I tell you it is definitely not an intimate time with God when you are doing a commissioned piece.  Also I've been fighting a cold or something and wanted nothing more than to go and take a nap when I layed the kids down today.  It's when I consider that all I'm dealing with is a cold, that  I truly realize what amount of strength that God has blessed my aunt Carla with.  I pray that God continues to supply her with that same strength to endure what she is going through. Thank you for reading and God bless you.

Monday, January 17, 2011

'The Farm'

#17/365 'The Farm' 16x16 acrylic/oil pastel on wood panel.

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Sunday, January 16, 2011


#16/365 ' Reflection'16x16 acrylic/oil pastel on wood panel. Today I took time to think about God's purpose for me and my life.  I feel like with this call to painting and prayer that I have to keep things in my life more "orderly" both in a spiritual sense and a physical sense. It has forced me to have to hold myself up to the standard that I believe God would have me to be at and just to gain a better perspective on how I am going to be able to continue living my life and grow closer to Him in the process. I know that I can never live up to His perfect expectations but I am thankful every day for His grace that allows for my insufficient nature. I do continue in the hope of bettering myself thanks to the hope that Christ puts in my heart. So in keeping with the theme of todays self reflection..I painted my reflection and thus my first self-portrait was produced.           God help us to always have hope for ourselves and for our being able to die to ourselves and carry on with whatever purpose you have for us. Give us the strength to do it with the best of our abilities and Lord help us to guard our hearts so that we don't waiver. AMEN. Thanks for reading and God bless you! 

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Saturday, January 15, 2011


#15/ 365.  24x24 acrylic/oil pastel on wood panel

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Friday, January 14, 2011

'Romans 8;28'

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

After painting todays work I just thought that this name Romans 8v28 seemed right, because all of these things stacked on top of each other are working together to make a complete picture.

Lord I pray that no matter what our circumstances that we face from day to day that you will use those for good.  Lord when a day brings something that seems that no good could come of it, that whatever lesson that you would have us to learn you would bring that to the surface.  Amen

Thursday, January 13, 2011

'A Lonely road without Him'

    I'm so thankful that I have never known what it is like to be an orphan.  I grew up with a great set of parents that were always there whenever I needed them.  In reading in John 13 and 14 I have been reading about how Jesus continues to refer to himself as being 'in the Father' and the Father being 'in Him'.  I can't help but think about what that means in the earthly sense.  I consider that my parents made me and raised me and in a lot of ways we are 'in' each other I think in much the same way that Jesus was referring to. I think that is the way God designed us as families.  We are able to understand one another well because we have a melding of will's with one another because of genetic and learned things.  I think that is why in a lot of ways sometimes parents are the only ones that may understand certain circumstances that we go through in life where we may need advice on what to do or how to handle situations.
    I also know that there are some things that we as people fight within ourselves, a certain 'battle' that may never be verbally expressed to another human being, maybe because of fear of not being understood or whatever the reason, but those are the times when I've needed the Holy Spirit the most. There have been several times when I felt like there couldn't possibly be anyone else in the world that knew exactly how I was feeling or what I was going through.  Those are the times where there just didn't seem to be words worthy to express the type of feeling that was deep inside of me, nor the thoughts that were running through my mind.  Often times even then my parents were unable to reach the depths of whatever battle my mind or spirit was facing, and much of this time I didn't have the Holy Spirit in my life either.  It was a loneliness that no one could have filled, yet the only one that was capable of pulling me out of it was God himself in the form of the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

John Chapter 14

I've been enjoying reading John 14 today, and thinking more about the last few verses particularly verse 14 'And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.' I am going to have to think on this verse for a few days, maybe God will reveal more about it in the next few days.  I just feel as if there is something deeper to asking in the name of Jesus, and I want to know more about how that  he brings glory to the Father.  I just keep thinking about how that we as children of our parents carry their last name and as that we are representing them.  So that name association brings glory to them when we 'win the big basketball game' or make an 'A' on our test or whatever the case may be.....so maybe I will have more on that in the next day or so.  It will be something I will meditate on.

'Snow Day'

Because of the snow yesterday I never posted yesterdays picture to my blog,
only facebook.  so here is yesterday's painting.  I took a very short 30 minutes
to do yesterdays because I had 2 kids that were dieing to go out into the snow!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

'This is the day'

I don't really have a lot to say today.  I do believe today is the most tired i've been so far and the hardest it's been to make myself to not take a nap but rather paint.  I know that it is no where near what aunt carla endures on a daily basis, but even just feeling this way and having to push through it gives me all the more respect for her and how well she handles the things that come her way on a daily basis.  I know that God is obviously with her for her to be striving through this.  God please continue to be with aunt carla.  Bless her mind and her body and Lord anything that the enemy tries to tell her or make her to believe through whatever attacks that come her way, Lord I pray that you will keep her from believing that, but that rather she would continue to believe you and your words to her. Give her life.  Amen

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Steady as She goes'

I must admit that there feels like a certain amount of pressure to perform at this point.  I guess that is just the natural human reaction whenever you know people are watching you.  but it can also be a bit of a weight to carry, so I hope that i can push through that like the ship merging out of the fog in todays painting.  I continue to have to remind myself that my painting is not about me, but rather about my spending intimate time with God in prayer.  I tend to notice the days when I have trouble keeping focused on that, the paintings don't flow out of me as freely.  It's almost like when your in prayer with God and your reciting words, rather than really having a conversation.

Friday, January 7, 2011

'Humbled Today'

well today was a great day for painting.  There are some days that it just doesn't feel like when i get done with  a painting that it is complete...there always seems to be something or many things missing and i'm always very critical of them.  Today was different though, it was just one of those times where it felt like the paint was working with me, sure i was doing the usual...sometimes talking to my paint...sometimes asking God to help to show me what i'm missing but today it just all fell into place so nicely.  After I was done  I even stood back and sort of 'proudly' said to myself wow..i like it.  haha but as God always has such a graceful way of showing us our faults and humbling even the proudest of peoples so he did with me!  when i finished the painting i took it outside as i always do to coat it with a clear acrylic sealant, i looked up at the sky and saw the MOST BEAUTIFUL clouds i've seen in a long time...and I heard God's gentle voice say..this is the work of my hands.  Of course after that i look down at my little canvas that i'd just brought outside and it didn't seem near as wonderful as the glory i beheld when looking up into the canvas of God's sky!  So that is why i named todays painting 'Humbled Today' because i was humbled by the glory of God's hand and how that he so magnificently displayed it to me!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

'Faith' bridges the gap between us and GOD

(The exerpt below was taken from verseoftheday.com.)

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

— 2 Corinthians 4:18 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

What do you see most clearly today? Is it what is seen or what is unseen? No matter our belief system, we ultimately have to trust what we can't see. Even the most atheistic scientists trust gravity, breathe air, and depend upon principles they cannot see until these realities produce results in the tangible world of human perception. But as Christians, we don't believe the seen world is any more real as the unseen world. In fact, most of the seen world is subject to death, disease, disaster, decay, disorder, and death. I don't know about you, but if it isn't any more permanent than that, it's not going to be very real for any of us for very long. I want to hang on to something that allows me to look past the seen and to find my Father who is unseen. He is the one who guarantees the unseen!

This is what I read today before starting my painting.  So I decided since it was so fitting a verse for the cause in which I'm painting these 365 days, why not write it on my canvas. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

#5/365 'Can't Force a Mule'

'Can't Force a Mule' 12x14 acrylic/oil pastels on textured canvas.
I always love how God uses my mistakes to help make something that feeds my soul.  Let me tell you about how glorious he really is.
I started prepping my canvas today, should have done it last night so that the prime coat would be finished but...I'm a bit of a procrastinator at times and well that just didn't happen! so anyways I was just trying to get my textured layer that I put on the canvas today to dry faster and somewhere I read that with acrylic material it's better to use the oven that a blow dryer because it dries through and through instead of just the top layer.  So i did just that..stuck it into the oven.  10 or so minutes later I'm starting to smell a potent chemical type smell as it wafts through my home in all it's glory and i say to myself "guess i better go check on the canvas".  I open up the oven door and the stuff is bubbling up on the canvas like a bad case of the chicken pox! OH DEAR.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

day 2 painting finished

2/365 'revealing hope' 12x14 acrylic on textured canvas as in when noah sent the bird daily after the flood to look for land, and one day the dove brought back hope, in the form of an olive branch.

364 left and i'm already up and getting ready

well i've been up since 4am.  I woke up and layed in bed for about 30 minutes trying to go back to sleep but couldn't because i kept thinking about what I was going to paint today.  so after my time of procrastination i decided maybe God knew I needed to go ahead and get up...since we never know what the day holds, why not go ahead and use whatever time i have been given.  I was able to get up and read for a bit in my bible.  I was reading about the centurion soldier that sent some jewish elders to Jesus to ask the centurions servant's healing.  Jesus heads to the home of the centurion and he is stopped outside  of the home and told that the centurion believes he's not worthy for his Lord to step into his house, and the centurion does something to show great faith.  He says "say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me.  I tell this one, 'Go' and he goes, and that one, 'Come,' and he comes.  I say to my servant, 'Do This,' and he does it."