Have you ever read the story about Peter walking on water? I have several times. Never have I really read to comprehend or try to understand what God is saying through this lesson. I suppose that is because all to often I find myself reading the bible just to 'read the bible'. The only reason that I do that is just because I know if I get out of the habit of it, it will just be that much harder for me to start back again. If I keep it a part of my daily routine, yes then a lot of days it is just that, a routine, but there are those days every now in then when it feels like it was set apart. A day God wanted you to read a passage, like you have never read it before, and he reveals a new part of Himself.
Now, back to Peter. So Jesus has been back on the shore praying and having His alone time with God while the disciples are sailing through the sea on there way to the next place on their journey, when sometime in the evening they see a figure heading there way walking across the water. YIKES is an understatement in regards to what I'm sure they were thinking. They all have it in their minds that this is a ghost of some sort. Then the figure calls out to them and says, "Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid." So then there was recognition among them. I'm sure the hearts that were once beating out of their chests, due to fright, were already slowing in pace as they sort of laughed at themselves. Then Peter, going out on a limb, or in this case an open body of water (haha cheesy I know) says, "If it's you, then ask me to come to you". Once Peter had recognized that Christ was the figure that was approaching them, he felt confident enough in that belief that he knew he could walk out to meet him. He was exercising the power he felt through being in the presence of such a power as Christ HEARS the voice of Christ and believes it's Him enough to start walking on water, then because he SEES the wind start to blow around him, he loses faith in the power that is ALREADY holding him above the water and starts sinking.
Well I don't know about you, but I have this problem all the time. I felt like Peter this past Saturday on our drive home from Birmingham. I knew when I started painting and doing these art shows that I had heard Christ say, 'Come'. Then, when I got out on the water I saw a bit of turbulence stirring, or in my case I saw that no one was buying anything I had to offer. I was sinking Saturday evening, but praise God he is so faithful even when my faith falters because of something that I see. When in all reality seeing is not believing and I just need to live by the words Christ has placed in my heart.
I want to end by telling you what Jesus said to Peter when He stretched out His hand and caught him. He said, "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" Wow, well that question can be viewed in many different lights. Where in his mind did Peter doubt, was it when he saw the wind he started analyzing in his mind that, "oh the waves are about to be getting bigger, what if one takes me under", or was his doubt when he took his mind off of Jesus and started focusing on the wind, or was Jesus asking Peter, physically, "Where were you". If that is the case, Peter was obviously within ARMS LENGTH of Jesus and of ALL THE PLACES he doubted...that is where he did. It just makes me to wonder out of all the times in my life that I know that God has sent me on some mission, how many times have I found a little resistance or opposition and ended up sinking because I lost heart in it. TOO MANY. I don't want to be like Peter anymore, I'm one day closer to Jesus today though. So maybe before you know it I will be at arms length of Him and not be sinking in doubt with all I've seen before I get there.
Lord, thank you for helping me to see part of you today. Thank you for stirring my heart and helping me to step out in Faith in my life God. I just ask that you will continue to help me walk in faith, not by sight. In Jesus name, Amen
God Bless You.
Worth Love Art: From the Heart for the Heart
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About Me

- Worth Love Art
- I'm a 25 year old, mother of two. I have been a homemaker since the birth of my first child. I may seemingly have little to do with the world around me, due to the fact that my impact on the world goes unseen in a lot of ways. I take my job as a mother very seriously though, because it's not one life, mine, thats going to be affecting the world in my eyes, but rather the lives of my children that will make an impact. Therefore I'm doing the best I can, as I learn, to try to teach them how to live meaningful lives. I praise God for everything that I have and especially a newly found ability to paint. If it wasn't for the events good and bad that he's lead me thru and out of in my life I wouldn't be the person I am today. So in everything that I do I pray that He will get glory in it. I'm not perfect so that statement doesn't come with a guarantee, it is just simply a prayer and a hope for my life.
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