Worth Love Art: From the Heart for the Heart

Worth Love Art Gallery: Find art online, unique art gallery, christian art, God's glory in art, online art gallery, Whitney Tomlin, artist, buy artwork, investing in artwork, paintings, acryilic paintings, landscapes, still life, art inspired by God.

About Me

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I'm a 25 year old, mother of two. I have been a homemaker since the birth of my first child. I may seemingly have little to do with the world around me, due to the fact that my impact on the world goes unseen in a lot of ways. I take my job as a mother very seriously though, because it's not one life, mine, thats going to be affecting the world in my eyes, but rather the lives of my children that will make an impact. Therefore I'm doing the best I can, as I learn, to try to teach them how to live meaningful lives. I praise God for everything that I have and especially a newly found ability to paint. If it wasn't for the events good and bad that he's lead me thru and out of in my life I wouldn't be the person I am today. So in everything that I do I pray that He will get glory in it. I'm not perfect so that statement doesn't come with a guarantee, it is just simply a prayer and a hope for my life.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Self Promotion of Art

Well, today I got ready and went into town to do some self promotion.  I took a hand full of pieces with me.  I had already called ahead two a shop in the downtown in Athens, and also spoken with someone at Starbucks.  When I got to the shop downtown, I learned that the store manager was helping a costumer, which after meandering around the store for a bit learned that the costumer was MY BEST FRIEND! haha What a coincidence.  I could see that it was going to take a while though because they were doing a bridal gift registry...by hand.  So anyways 45 minutes later and a solid 1.5 hours past my kids nap time, I find myself in the middle of a store with nothing I can afford and two kids raring back like a funnel cloud before the tornado strikes.  Thankfully after my friend got done with the manager, the manager was polite enough to let me know that she was so swamped with costumers she didn't believe that she would be able to come take a look after all.  So that was a bit of a bust.  I did make it down to starbucks before the manager left though and she liked the artwork.  She said she would have to speak to her district manager to make sure that it wouldn't be against starbucks policy to hang outside artwork.  I hope to hear back from her.
  I also dreamed a little while I was in town.  I've been eyeing this great old historic building that is right off of the main square in the downtown.  I called the realtor and he came to meet me and show me the building...I'm in love...it's absolutely perfect for an art gallery and there is an upstairs just like I would love to have to fix up to live in.  It's definitely something that we are going to be praying about.  I was talking to Haven about it a little on his lunch break and he seems pretty interested in knowing more and possibly going back to look with me.

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